sentimentality definition in literature

Find definitions containing the word Sentimental | Reverse Dictionary.
Mar 2, 2011. Sentimental literature is interested in the experience, display, effect, and. the Victorian period and the shifts that took place in these definitions.
Definition of sentimental – Our online dictionary has sentimental information from The. (of a work of literature, music, or art) dealing with feelings of tenderness.
Domestic Fiction, 1830-1860 - Washington State University.
Definition of sentimentally in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of. or realism. 3. Appealing to the sentiments, especially to romantic feelings: sentimental music.
SENTIMENTAL POWER - Princeton University.
sentimentality definition in literature
sentimentality definition in literature
Model -- Outcasts and Sentimentalism - MoonStar.
sentimentally - definition of sentimentally by the Free Online.
Sentiment | Define Sentiment at
sentiment - definition of sentiment by the Free Online Dictionary.
Defining the Cultural Work of Sentimentality.
sentimental – Dictionary definition of sentimental | Encyclopedia.
Apr 22, 2012. Sentimentality is an undesirable trait in literary fiction because it hides the reality of the world. Sentimentality can be defined as superficial.
Ubiquitous and elusive—the Scarlet Pimpernel of literary history—the term sentimental is notoriously difficult to define. Simultaneously a literary style, a mode of.
Read any inspirational self-help book and you'll see wonderful examples of overstated sentimentality. The basic rule of the literary writer goes like this: the more.
According to the glossary in Literature for Composition, sentimentality is " excessive. of sentimentality and sentimentalism as the terms are defined above. First.